To sell holding stocks, one needs to complete the CDSL eDIS flow, generate T-PIN & mark stock to complete the sell action.
GET | /edis/tpin | Generate T-PIN |
POST | /edis/from | Retrieve escaped html form & enter T-PIN |
GET | /edis/inquire/{isin} | Inquire the status of stock for edis approval. |
Generate T-PIN
Get T-Pin on your registered mobile number using this API.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.dhan.co/v2/edis/tpin \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'access-token: JWT'
Request Structure
No Body
Response Structure
202 Accepted
Generate eDIS Form
Retrieve escaped html form of CDSL and enter T-PIN to mark the stock for EDIS approval. User has to render this form at their end to unescape. You can get ISIN of portfolio stocks, in response of holdings API.
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.dhan.co/v2/edis/form \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'access-token: ' \
--data '{}'
Request Structure
"isin": "INE733E01010",
"qty": 1,
"exchange": "NSE",
"segment": "EQ",
"bulk": true
Field | Field Type | Description |
isin | string | International Securities Identification Number |
qty | int | Number of shares to mark for edis transaction |
exchange | string | Exhange NSE BSE |
segment | string | Segment EQ |
bulk | boolean | To mark edis for all stocks in portfolio |
Response Structure
"dhanClientId": "1000000401",
"edisFormHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <script>window.onload= function()
{submit()};function submit(){ document.getElementById(\"submitbtn\").click(); }
</script><body onload=\"submit()\"> <form name=\"frmDIS\" method=\"post\"
action=\"https://edis.cdslindia.com/eDIS/VerifyDIS/\" style=\"
text-align: center; margin-top: 35px; /* margin-bottom: 15px; */ \">
<input type= \"hidden\" name= \"DPId\" value= \"83400\" >
<input type= \"hidden\" name= \"ReqId\" value= \"291951000000401\" >
<input type= \"hidden\" name= \"Version\" value= \"1.1\" >
<input type= \"hidden\" name= \"TransDtls\" value= \"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\" >
<input style=\"display: none;\" id=\"submitbtn\" type= \"submit\" value=\"Submit\">
</form> </body> </html>"
Field | Field type | Description |
dhanClientId | string | User specific identification generated by Dhan |
edisFormHtml | string | Escaped HTML Form |
EDIS Status & Inquiry
You can check the status of stock whether it is approved and marked for sell action. User have to enter ISIN of the stock.
An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security.
You can get ISIN of portfolio stocks, in response of holdings API.
Alternatively, you can pass "ALL" instead of ISIN to get eDIS status of all holdings in your portfolio.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.dhan.co/v2/edis/inquire/{isin} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'access-token: JWT'
Request Structure
No Body
Response Structure
"clientId": "1000000401",
"isin": "INE00IN01015",
"totalQty": 10,
"aprvdQty": 4,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"remarks": "eDIS transaction done successfully"
Field | Field type | Description |
clientId | string | User specific identification |
isin | string | International Securities Identification Number |
totalQty | string | Total number of shares for given stock |
aprvdQty | string | Number of approved stocks |
status | string | Status of the edis order |
remark | string | remarks of the order status |
Note: For description of enum values, refer Annexure