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Exchange Segment

Attribute Exchange Segment enum
IDX_I Index Index Value 0
NSE_EQ NSE Equity Cash 1
NSE_FNO NSE Futures & Options 2
BSE_EQ BSE Equity Cash 4
MCX_COMM MCX Commodity 5
BSE_FNO BSE Futures & Options 8

Product Type

CO & BO product types will be valid only for Intraday.

Attribute Detail
CNC Cash & Carry for equity deliveries
INTRADAY Intraday for Equity, Futures & Options
MARGIN Carry Forward in Futures & Options
CO Cover Order
BO Bracket Order

Order Status

Attribute Detail
TRANSIT Did not reach the exchange server
PENDING Awaiting execution
REJECTED Rejected by broker/exchange
CANCELLED Cancelled by user
TRADED Executed successfully
EXPIRED Validity of order is expired

After Market Order time

Attribute Detail
PRE_OPEN AMO pumped at pre-market session
OPEN AMO pumped at market open
OPEN_30 AMO pumped 30 minutes after market open
OPEN_60 AMO pumped 60 minutes after market open

Expiry Code

Attribute Detail
0 Current Expiry/Near Expiry
1 Next Expiry
2 Far Expiry


Attribute Detail
FUTIDX Futures of Index
OPTIDX Options of Index
FUTSTK Futures of Stock
OPTSTK Options of Stock
FUTCOM Futures of Commodity
OPTFUT Options of Commodity Futures
FUTCUR Futures of Currency
OPTCUR Options of Currency

Feed Request Code

Attribute Detail
11 Connect Feed
12 Disconnect Feed
15 Subscribe - Ticker Packet
16 Unsubscribe - Ticker Packet
17 Subscribe - Quote Packet
18 Unsubscribe - Quote Packet
21 Subscribe - Full Packet
22 Unsubscribe - Full Packet

Feed Response Code

Attribute Detail
1 Index Packet
2 Ticker Packet
4 Quote Packet
5 OI Packet
6 Prev Close Packet
7 Market Status Packet
8 Full Packet
50 Feed Disconnect

Trading API Error

Type Code Message
Invalid Authentication DH-901 Client ID or user generated access token is invalid or expired.
Invalid Access DH-902 User has not subscribed to Data APIs or does not have access to Trading APIs. Kindly subscribe to Data APIs to be able to fetch Data.
User Account DH-903 Errors related to User's Account. Check if the required segments are activated or other requirements are met.
Rate Limit DH-904 Too many requests on server from single user breaching rate limits. Try throttling API calls.
Input Exception DH-905 Missing required fields, bad values for parameters etc.
Order Error DH-906 Incorrect request for order and cannot be processed.
Data Error DH-907 System is unable to fetch data due to incorrect parameters or no data present.
Internal Server Error DH-908 Server was not able to process API request. This will only occur rarely.
Network Error DH-909 Network error where the API was unable to communicate with the backend system.
Others DH-910 Error originating from other reasons.

Data API Error

Code Description
800 Internal Server Error
804 Requested number of instruments exceeds limit
805 Too many requests or connections. Further requests may result in the user being blocked.
806 Data APIs not subscribed
807 Access token is expired
808 Authentication Failed - Client ID or Access Token invalid
809 Access token is invalid
810 Client ID is invalid