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Option Chain

This API gives entire Option Chain of any Option Instrument, across exchanges and segments - for NSE, BSE and MCX traded options. With Option Chain, you get OI, greeks, volume, top bid/ask and price data of all strikes of a particular underlying.

POST /optionchain Get Option Chain of any instrument
POST /optionchain/expirylist Expiry List for Options of Underlying


You can call Option Chain API once every 3 seconds. This will give you latest updated data.

Option Chain

Retrieve real-time Option Chain across exchanges for all underlying. You can fetch Open Interest (OI), Greeks, Volume, Last Traded Price, Best Bid/Ask and Implied Volatility (IV) across all strikes for any underlying.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'access-token: JWT' \
    --header 'client-id: ClientId' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{}'


Header Description
Access Token generated via Dhan
User specific identification generated by Dhan

Request Structure



Field Field Type Description
int Security ID of Underlying Instrument - can be found here
UnderlyingSeg enum string Exchange & segment of underlying for which data is to be fetched - here
Expiry string Expiry Date of Option, for which Option Chain is requested. List of active expiries can be fetched from here

Response Structure

    "data": {
        "last_price": 24964.25,
        "oc": {
            "25000.000000": {
                "ce": {
                    "greeks": {
                        "delta": 0.52546,
                        "theta": -12.88756,
                        "gamma": 0.00136,
                        "vega": 12.98931
                    "implied_volatility": 8.945204889199001,
                    "last_price": 125.05,
                    "oi": 5962675,
                    "previous_close_price": 190.45,
                    "previous_oi": 3939375,
                    "previous_volume": 831463,
                    "top_ask_price": 124.9,
                    "top_ask_quantity": 1000,
                    "top_bid_price": 124,
                    "top_bid_quantity": 100,
                    "volume": 84202625
                "pe": {
                    "greeks": {
                        "delta": -0.48099,
                        "theta": -10.56587,
                        "gamma": 0.00092,
                        "vega": 13.00105
                    "implied_volatility": 13.321804909313869,
                    "last_price": 165,
                    "oi": 5059700,
                    "previous_close_price": 153.6,
                    "previous_oi": 4667700,
                    "previous_volume": 1047989,
                    "top_ask_price": 165,
                    "top_ask_quantity": 375,
                    "top_bid_price": 164.05,
                    "top_bid_quantity": 50,
                    "volume": 81097175


Field Type Description
data.last_price float LTP of the Underlying
data.oc array Option Chain Array - Strike Wise
data.oc.{strike} array Strike Price for Underlying
data.oc.{strike}.ce array Call Option data of particular strike
data.oc.{strike}.pe array Put Option data of particular strike

Call/Put Option Data

Field Type Description float Measures the change of option's premium based on every 1 rupee change in underlying
greeks.theta float Measures measures how quickly an option's value decreases over time
greeks.gamma float Rate of change in an option's delta in relation to the price of the underlying asset
greeks.vega float Measures the change of option's premium in response to a 1% change in implied volatility
implied_volatility float Value of expected volatility of a stock over the life of the option
last_price float Last Traded Price of the Option Instrument
oi int Open Interest of the Option Instrument
previous_close_price float Previous day close price
previous_oi int Previous day Open Interest
previous_volume int Previous day volume
top_ask_price float Current best ask price available
top_ask_quantity int Quantity available at current best ask price
top_bid_price float Current best bid price available
top_bid_quantity int Quantity available at current best bid price
volume int Day volume for Option Instrument

Expiry List

Retrieve dates of all expiries of any underlying, for which Options Instruments are active.

    curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'access-token: JWT' \
    --header 'client-id: 1000000001' \
    --data '{}'


Header Description
Access Token generated via Dhan
User specific identification generated by Dhan

Request Structure



Field Field Type Description
int Security ID of Underlying Instrument - can be found here
UnderlyingSeg enum string Exchange & segment of underlying for which data is to be fetched - here

Response Structure

    "data": [
    "status": "success"


Field Type Description
data[] array All expiry dates of underlying in YYYY-MM-DD


The rate limit applicable for Option Chain API is at 1 request per 3 second. This is because OI data gets updated slow, compared to LTP or other data parameter.

Note: For description of enum values, refer Annexure